onsdag 27. september 2017

The daily dialog - Pay up!

Deerhound to owner: So...you know it will take lots of pancakes AND cheese to make up for what you did!
Owner to deerhound: What? What have I done?
Deerhound to owner: The puppy, woman! The PUPPY!!
Owner to deerhound: What do you mean, "the puppy"?
Deerhound to owner: You brought that little beast to this house! Now you pay!
Owner to deerhound: Oh...I thought you would be happy with a new playmate! Are you not?
Deerhound to owner: No! I´m not amused! Not a bit! She sleeps in my beds...all of them! She pees on the floor, bites my mustache and even tried to play with my balls! YES! My BALLS!!! I´m trying to be that noble gentlehound we decries are known to be...but she makes it sooo hard! So now, PAY UP, WOMAN!
Owner to deerhound: Allright, I´ll make a deal with you. IF you continue to be that nice, sweet big brother you have been until now, I´ll make you pancakes twice a week..AND sprinkle cheese on your dinner. Deal?
Deerhound to owner: Make that three times a week and cheese on breakfast too *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: Don`t push it mister!
Deerhound to owner: Ok! OK! Deal! 

Deerhound: *mumbles* So easily fooled..hahahaha

Owner to deerhound: What?
Deerhound to owner: Nothing...nothing at all *big grin*
Owner: !!!

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