Deerhound to owner: know it will take lots of pancakes AND cheese to make up for what you did!
Owner to deerhound: What? What have I done?
Deerhound to owner: The puppy, woman! The PUPPY!!
Owner to deerhound: What do you mean, "the puppy"?
Deerhound to owner: You brought that little beast to this house! Now you pay!
Owner to deerhound: Oh...I thought you would be happy with a new playmate! Are you not?
Deerhound to owner: No! I´m not amused! Not a bit! She sleeps in my beds...all of them! She pees on the floor, bites my mustache and even tried to play with my balls! YES! My BALLS!!! I´m trying to be that noble gentlehound we decries are known to be...but she makes it sooo hard! So now, PAY UP, WOMAN!
Owner to deerhound: Allright, I´ll make a deal with you. IF you continue to be that nice, sweet big brother you have been until now, I´ll make you pancakes twice a week..AND sprinkle cheese on your dinner. Deal?
Deerhound to owner: Make that three times a week and cheese on breakfast too *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: Don`t push it mister!
Deerhound to owner: Ok! OK! Deal!
Deerhound: *mumbles* So easily fooled..hahahaha
Owner to deerhound: What?
Deerhound to owner: Nothing...nothing at all *big grin*
Owner: !!!
The Deerhound Diary
onsdag 27. september 2017
The daily dialog - Pay up!
mandag 1. august 2016
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: You´re sad, again!
Owner to deerhound: What? Why do you think I´m sad?
Deerhound to owner: You often get water in your eyes, you don´t smile and laugh as much as you used to. I can tell!
Owner to deerhound: Yes, sweetie, I am sad...
Deerhound to owner: I miss her too, you know!
Owner to deerhound: I know, my dear boy...I know!
Deerhound to owner: Life is so unfair....but you know, I´m so happy she came to us, and I know she was happy too. At least we gave her a wonderful year with lots of fun and love!
Owner to deerhound: *sobbing*
Deerhound to owner: It´s okay to be sad, but it´s also okay to be happy again! Do you really think she would want you to be so unhappy?
Owner to deerhound: Where does all your wisdom come from?
Deerhound to owner: We deerhounds are the wisest of the wise! And right now it´s wise to be happy and make some pancakes! It´ll make us feel much better!
Owner to deerhound: You know...I think you´re right for once...
Deerhound to owner: Always, my dear! We deerhounds are always right about happiness and pancakes!
Owner to deerhound: !
mandag 4. april 2016
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: *Blows air through mustache*
Owner to deerhound: What`s the matter?
Deerhound to owner: I`m bored....
Owner to deerhound: Go play with your toys or something
Deerhound to owner: I want you to play with me!
Owner to deerhound: No! I`m busy right now
Deerhound to owner: *Blows air through mustache*
Owner to deerhound: Really! I`m working, you have to wait!
Deerhound to owner: *Blows air through mustache*
Owner to deerhound: What??? Stop staring at me and keep quiet!
Deerhound to owner: *Blows air through mustache*
Owner to deerhound: Ok! You are really bothering me right now! Please give me 5 minutes?
Deerhound to owner: Right, 5 minutes!
*5 minutes later*
Owner to deerhound: I`m ready, come on, let`s play!
Deerhound to owner: Shhhh! I`m sleeping....
Owner to deerhound: !!!!
mandag 25. mai 2015
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: So, you managed to sneak in another deerie into this family!
Owner to deerhound: What do you mean "sneak"?
Deerhound to owner: Sneak! Like in snook in...behind our backs!
Owner to deerhound: Oh, come on! I didn´t sneak her were right here when she came!
Deerhound to owner: Yeah, but you said just for a few weeks....
Owner to deerhound: Well....that was the intention...
Deerhound to owner: ....and now she`s eating our food, sleeps in our beds and gets all our cuddles!
Owner to deerhound: Not all your cuddles! You still get the same amount of ear rubs and belly scratches! Are you saying you don´t want her here??
Deerhound to owner: NO! Don´t you dare send her away! The food has never been better, the walks is always an adventure, and I get to lie in her bed...wich is far softer than mine!..And she is really a sweetheart! *blush*
Owner to deerhound: Then what is your problem?
Deerhound to owner: *sigh* Do you love her more than me?
Owner to deerhound: Oh, is that what´s bothering you? No! Of course not! You are my very special boy, sweetie! I love you more than anything!
Deerhound to owner: Then how about some more pancakes? Just to show me how much you love me! *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: How about you take a bath first?
Deerhound to owner: How about I just go lie down for a while! I´m really not that hugry!
Owner to deerhound: What do you mean "sneak"?
Deerhound to owner: Sneak! Like in snook in...behind our backs!
Owner to deerhound: Oh, come on! I didn´t sneak her were right here when she came!
Deerhound to owner: Yeah, but you said just for a few weeks....
Owner to deerhound: Well....that was the intention...
Deerhound to owner: ....and now she`s eating our food, sleeps in our beds and gets all our cuddles!
Owner to deerhound: Not all your cuddles! You still get the same amount of ear rubs and belly scratches! Are you saying you don´t want her here??
Deerhound to owner: NO! Don´t you dare send her away! The food has never been better, the walks is always an adventure, and I get to lie in her bed...wich is far softer than mine!..And she is really a sweetheart! *blush*
Owner to deerhound: Then what is your problem?
Deerhound to owner: *sigh* Do you love her more than me?
Owner to deerhound: Oh, is that what´s bothering you? No! Of course not! You are my very special boy, sweetie! I love you more than anything!
Deerhound to owner: Then how about some more pancakes? Just to show me how much you love me! *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: How about you take a bath first?
Deerhound to owner: How about I just go lie down for a while! I´m really not that hugry!
torsdag 27. november 2014
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Alright, who just took my cheese sandwich?
Deerhound to owner: What? Did someone steal your deliciouse cheese sandwich?
Owner to deerhound: Yes! It was you! Wasn`t it?
Deerhound to owner: Are you accusing me? ME? That is outrageous! I tell was the fat cat!
Owner to deerhound: You have crumbles in your mustache!
Deerhound to owner: I just cleaned up after the fat one! *big grin* Tell me; why do you think he has gotten that fat? It`s because he steals everyones food! My, food! Serengeti`s food! The other cat`s food, your food! So now you go and punish him! Bad kitty! BAD!
Owner to deerhound: Oh my...I didn`t know!
Deerhound to Borzoi: Hirr hirr, she believes anything! And you will keep your mouth shut, right!
Deerhound to owner: What? Did someone steal your deliciouse cheese sandwich?
Owner to deerhound: Yes! It was you! Wasn`t it?
Deerhound to owner: Are you accusing me? ME? That is outrageous! I tell was the fat cat!
Owner to deerhound: You have crumbles in your mustache!
Deerhound to owner: I just cleaned up after the fat one! *big grin* Tell me; why do you think he has gotten that fat? It`s because he steals everyones food! My, food! Serengeti`s food! The other cat`s food, your food! So now you go and punish him! Bad kitty! BAD!
Owner to deerhound: Oh my...I didn`t know!
Deerhound to Borzoi: Hirr hirr, she believes anything! And you will keep your mouth shut, right!
onsdag 10. september 2014
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: I didn´t actually mean for you to take it seriously when I said you should get a new cat, you know!
Owner to deerhound: Oh? But you were quite convincing....
Deerhound to owner: I know! But I hated to see you so sad...and besides that´s what deeries do best....convince owners *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: Well, it you´ve got two new friends to play with!
Deerhound to owner: TWO little balls of claws, teeth and fur, you mean! .....I´m not happy!
Owner to deerhound: Then be more careful the next time you convince me to get something!
Deerhound to owner: How about gettin´us som cheese pancakes?
Owner to deerhound: Nice try!
tirsdag 13. mai 2014
The daily dialog
to owner: I bet I could make your cheese sandwich disappear from your plate without
you seeing how it happens!
Owner to deerhound: Nice try, You`ll just tell me to close my eyes and then eat it! You did that last time I took on your bet.
Deerhound to owner: No, this is really a good trick, I promise!
Owner to deerhound: Alright! You`re on!
Deerhound to owner: Good! Then just place this box over the sandwich. Now, do you see the sandwich?
Owner to deerhound: No, it`s under the box, silly!
Deerhound to owner: No, it`s not! It has vanished!
Owner to deerhound: *removing the box* Ha-ha, it`s still there! You lost the bet.
Deerhound to owner: *quickly snatching the sandwich and eating it* Yeah, lost the bet, won a sandwich. It`s fine by me!
Owner to deerhound: !
Owner to deerhound: Nice try, You`ll just tell me to close my eyes and then eat it! You did that last time I took on your bet.
Deerhound to owner: No, this is really a good trick, I promise!
Owner to deerhound: Alright! You`re on!
Deerhound to owner: Good! Then just place this box over the sandwich. Now, do you see the sandwich?
Owner to deerhound: No, it`s under the box, silly!
Deerhound to owner: No, it`s not! It has vanished!
Owner to deerhound: *removing the box* Ha-ha, it`s still there! You lost the bet.
Deerhound to owner: *quickly snatching the sandwich and eating it* Yeah, lost the bet, won a sandwich. It`s fine by me!
Owner to deerhound: !
lørdag 10. mai 2014
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Come on, time for our kickbike ride!
Deerhound to owner: What? No! It`s raining outside.
Owner to deerhound: No, it`s not raining anymore, come on!
Deerhound to owner: It´s wet on the ground and my paws will get dirty.
Owner to deerhound: Since when did you start worrying about dirty paws?
Deerhound to owner: Since you put me in the tub to clean me after the yesterdays kickbike ride.
Owner to deerhound: We´ll have pancakes for dinner.......
Deerhound to owner: Nice try! No thanks, I´ll settle for the usual boring pellets. *sighs*
Owner to deerhound: ...with cheese....
Deerhound to owner: You evil, EVIL woman! I´m ready, let´s go now!
Owner to herself: I win!
Deerhound to himself: I let her think she won! *big grin*
Deerhound to owner: What? No! It`s raining outside.
Owner to deerhound: No, it`s not raining anymore, come on!
Deerhound to owner: It´s wet on the ground and my paws will get dirty.
Owner to deerhound: Since when did you start worrying about dirty paws?
Deerhound to owner: Since you put me in the tub to clean me after the yesterdays kickbike ride.
Owner to deerhound: We´ll have pancakes for dinner.......
Deerhound to owner: Nice try! No thanks, I´ll settle for the usual boring pellets. *sighs*
Owner to deerhound: ...with cheese....
Deerhound to owner: You evil, EVIL woman! I´m ready, let´s go now!
Owner to herself: I win!
Deerhound to himself: I let her think she won! *big grin*
fredag 9. mai 2014
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: If you think that sweedish blonde can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and
then giving her only two of them!
Owner to deerhound: Can you count too?
Deerhound to owner: Of course! Who do you think taught her? *grin*
Owner to deerhound: Can you count too?
Deerhound to owner: Of course! Who do you think taught her? *grin*
counting owner,
onsdag 5. mars 2014
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: I'm bored. Play with me!
Owner to deerhound: What do you want to play?
Deerhound to owner: Knock knock...
Owner to deerhound: Who is there?
Deerhound to owner: Justate
Owner to deerhound: Justate who?
Deerhound to owner: Justate your sandwich....bye!
Owner to deerhound: !
fredag 21. februar 2014
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: Do we really have to go out? I mean...all this snow is killing me
Owner to deerhound: Don´t be such a drama queen! It´s good for you! Makes you healthy and strong
Deerhound to owner: I´m already healthy and strong, but you´re not!
Why do you use me as an excuse for your need of exercise?
Owner to deerhound: Now step into your harness and at least pretend you love it. We are going skiing.
Deerhound to owner: Why do you never listen to me?
Owner to deerhound: If I listen to you now...there will be no pancakes for dinner!
Deerhound to owner: I´m ready to go, are you coming? See how happy and excited I am *bouncing*
Owner to deerhound: Goooood boooy!
Owner to deerhound: Don´t be such a drama queen! It´s good for you! Makes you healthy and strong
Deerhound to owner: I´m already healthy and strong, but you´re not!
Why do you use me as an excuse for your need of exercise?
Owner to deerhound: Now step into your harness and at least pretend you love it. We are going skiing.
Deerhound to owner: Why do you never listen to me?
Owner to deerhound: If I listen to you now...there will be no pancakes for dinner!
Deerhound to owner: I´m ready to go, are you coming? See how happy and excited I am *bouncing*
Owner to deerhound: Goooood boooy!
mandag 17. februar 2014
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: Why are you crying?
Owner to deerhound: I´m cutting up an onion
Deerhound to owner: Is that sad?
Owner to deerhound: No, sweetie! It´s not sad! It´s for dinner
Deerhound to owner: I don´t get it! You are crying but it´s not sad and it´s for dinner? You crazy woman! I´ll have to think about this for a while
Owner to deerhound: I´m cutting up an onion
Deerhound to owner: Is that sad?
Owner to deerhound: No, sweetie! It´s not sad! It´s for dinner
Deerhound to owner: I don´t get it! You are crying but it´s not sad and it´s for dinner? You crazy woman! I´ll have to think about this for a while
torsdag 5. desember 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: I love you
Owner to deerhound: I love you to sweetie *kisses*
Deerhound to owner: How much do you love me?
Owner to deerhound: I love you most!
Deerhound to owner: Sorry about your lunch
Owner to deerhound: What lunch?
Deerhound to owner: The one you no longer can have *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: WHAT have you done?
Deerhound to owner: I accidently ate it...BYE..
Owner to deerhound: !!!
Owner to deerhound: I love you to sweetie *kisses*
Deerhound to owner: How much do you love me?
Owner to deerhound: I love you most!
Deerhound to owner: Sorry about your lunch
Owner to deerhound: What lunch?
Deerhound to owner: The one you no longer can have *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: WHAT have you done?
Deerhound to owner: I accidently ate it...BYE..
Owner to deerhound: !!!
mandag 18. november 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: Hey, are you sleeping? *whispering*!
Owner to deerhound: Uhm...
Deerhound to owner: Wake up!
Owner to deerhound:
Deerhound to owner: Wake up! I hear noises...
Owner to deerhound: Zzzz zzz mhm...
Deerhound to owner: *BARK*
Owner to deerhound: WHAT? What´s going on?
Deerhound to owner: You´re not a very good guard human!
Owner to deerhound: I don´t need to...I have you!
Deerhound to owner: There are strange noises coming from downstairs...please go and check it out!?
Owner to deerhound: !
Deerhound to owner: While you´re downstairs...please bring me some cheese..will you?
Owner to deerhound: !!!
Deerhound to owner: Well?
Owner to deerhound: Well what?
Deerhound to owner: What was the noise? And where is my cheese? *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: First of all...the noise you thought was so scary that you had to wake me up and make me go downstairs, was you swedish blonde girlfriend snoring like a drunken lumberjack....second..I ate the cheese! Good night!
Deerhound to owner: You evil woman!
Owner to deerhound: What?
Deerhound to owner: Nothing! Good night!
søndag 17. november 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Still tired after yesterday?
Deerhound to owner: Yes, so many dogs, too much noise, too many people! What on earth was all that about?
Owner to deerhound: That was a dog show, my dear
Deerhound to owner: That was a dog show? Didn´t see a single show dog...where were they?
Owner to deerhound: You were one of them...
Deerhound to owner: What?
Owner to deerhound: Remember when we ran a couple of rounds on the floor, and then a nice lady came over for a chat and she wantet to see your teeth?
Deerhound to owner: Uh..yeah?
Owner to deerhound: She was a jugde and you were showing yourself at your best
Deerhound to owner: Really? I thougt show dogs had to wear costumes and put on a big show and do stupid tricks and so...
Owner to deerhound: Hahahaha you are so funny
Deerhound to owner: What did she say then? I was the best right? You always say I am the best dog ever....
Owner to deerhound: She said you are an excellent dog with beautiful dark eyes....
Deerhound to owner: Ooooh nice, keep it coming!
Owner to deerhound: .....and that your front and top line was excellent too....
Deerhound to owner: Yes, yes.....tell me more about myself *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: had perfect rose ears with nice mouse fur, and a nice rough coat...
Deerhound to owner: Was that why you were pulling hairs from my ears the day before? It really was annoying you know..
Owner to deerhound: Yes, that´s right...sorry if I hurt you, but you looked like a wild scruffy forrest beast and I had to do it.
Deerhound to owner: I´m over it...tell me more! What more did she say?
Owner to deerhound: She said that with some training of your hind legs, you will get a nicer trot, and you will be able to stand you didn´t win this time.
Deerhound to owner: What? That is not possible...I´m the best! You said so!
Owner to deerhound: And you are! You are the best dog ever..for me! Come here...I´ll give you a nice ear rub
Deerhound to owner: Yeah! Can we have pancakes for dinner? Can we? Pleeeaaaseee? *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: Sure!
torsdag 14. november 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: What´s this white fluffy stuff i your fur?
Deerhound to owner: Uh...fluffy stuff?
Owner to deerhound: Yes...FLUFFY STUFF!
Deerhound to owner: I don´t that your phone ringing?
Owner to deerhound: No! I asked you a´d better answer it!
Deerhound to owner: your pillow? *grin*
Owner to deerhound: Have you destroyed my pillow?
Deerhound to owner: It attacked me!
Owner to deerhound: What? The pillow? You´ve got to be kidding!
Deerhound to owner: No! The spider!
Owner to deerhound: Then you should have killed the spider...not the pillow!
Deerhound to owner: But it was hiding out in the pillow.. So you see, I had to take them both down
Owner to deerhound: Thank God! You killed the spider right?!
Deerhound to owner: Dead as a well chewed shoe!
Owner to deerhound: Goood boooy!
Deerhound to owner: Did I hear cheese?
torsdag 7. november 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: What actually happened when I got home from work today?
Deerhound to owner: Don´t want to talk about it!
Owner to deerhound: Why? Please tell me!
Deerhound to owner: Oh..alright, I fell down the stairs...*mumbles*
Owner to deerhound: You fell down the stairs?
Deerhound to owner: Shhhh...keep your voice down! Don´t want the blonde to know!
Owner to deerhound: Why?
Deerhound to owner: Why what?
Owner to deerhound: Why did you fall down the stairs?
Deerhound to owner: Well...I was so happy you came home so my body just wiggled it`s way down...couldn´t help it. I had no control *whispers*
Owner to deerhound: Aaaaaaaw you sweet, wonderful boy!
Deerhound to owner: That qualifies for pancakes, right?
Owner to deerhound: How many would you like, sweetheart?
Deerhound to owner: Don´t want to talk about it!
Owner to deerhound: Why? Please tell me!
Deerhound to owner: Oh..alright, I fell down the stairs...*mumbles*
Owner to deerhound: You fell down the stairs?
Deerhound to owner: Shhhh...keep your voice down! Don´t want the blonde to know!
Owner to deerhound: Why?
Deerhound to owner: Why what?
Owner to deerhound: Why did you fall down the stairs?
Deerhound to owner: Well...I was so happy you came home so my body just wiggled it`s way down...couldn´t help it. I had no control *whispers*
Owner to deerhound: Aaaaaaaw you sweet, wonderful boy!
Deerhound to owner: That qualifies for pancakes, right?
Owner to deerhound: How many would you like, sweetheart?
tirsdag 29. oktober 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to
deerhound: You do realize that you`re not exactly a small dog?
Deerhound to owner: What?
Owner to deerhound: I mean, you do know that you weigh almost 110 lbs.?
Deerhound to owner: Oh, man! Are you calling me fat, again?
Owner to deerhound: No, no, no! I was just wondering if you actually think you are a size small, since you always try to sit on my lap
Deerhound to owner: No, it`s just that you are so soft and cuddly *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: What? Are you calling me fat now?
Deerhound to owner: *whistle*
Deerhound to owner: What?
Owner to deerhound: I mean, you do know that you weigh almost 110 lbs.?
Deerhound to owner: Oh, man! Are you calling me fat, again?
Owner to deerhound: No, no, no! I was just wondering if you actually think you are a size small, since you always try to sit on my lap
Deerhound to owner: No, it`s just that you are so soft and cuddly *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: What? Are you calling me fat now?
Deerhound to owner: *whistle*
tirsdag 22. oktober 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Come on, time for a good run!
Deerhound to owner: No!
Owner to deerhound: What?
Deerhound to owner: You heard me...NO!
Owner to deerhound: Yes, and I say it again...WHAT? Are you sick? Not feeling well? What is it?
Deerhound to owner: It´s raining
Owner to deerhound: ?....and?
Deerhound to owner: I´ll get wet!
Owner to deerhound: ?....and?
Deerhound to owner: Maybe I´ll shrink!
Owner to deerhound: Oh my goodness! No, you wont shrink, silly!
Deerhound to owner: Are you sure about that?
Owner to deerhound: Yes! 100% sure!
Deerhound to owner: Well, I´m not taking any chances! I´ll stay right here!
Owner to deerhound: !
Deerhound to owner: No!
Owner to deerhound: What?
Deerhound to owner: You heard me...NO!
Owner to deerhound: Yes, and I say it again...WHAT? Are you sick? Not feeling well? What is it?
Deerhound to owner: It´s raining
Owner to deerhound: ?....and?
Deerhound to owner: I´ll get wet!
Owner to deerhound: ?....and?
Deerhound to owner: Maybe I´ll shrink!
Owner to deerhound: Oh my goodness! No, you wont shrink, silly!
Deerhound to owner: Are you sure about that?
Owner to deerhound: Yes! 100% sure!
Deerhound to owner: Well, I´m not taking any chances! I´ll stay right here!
Owner to deerhound: !
mandag 21. oktober 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Everytime I make your meals, I find you staring at me...Why?
Deerhound to owner: To make sure that you put the same amount of food in the bowls! Wouldn`t be happy if she happened to get more than me!
Owner to deerhound: Are you afraid you´re not getting enough to eat?
You´re not exactly skinny you know!
Deerhound to owner: Are you calling me fat?
Owner to deerhound: No, just saying you don´t have to worry about the food!
Deerhound to owner: Oh..I´m not...just making sure you..Are you SURE you´re not calling me fat?
Owner to deerhound: Stop being a drama queen and go eat your dinner!
Deerhound to owner: Let me check out these bowls first!
Owner to deerhound: !
Deerhound to owner: To make sure that you put the same amount of food in the bowls! Wouldn`t be happy if she happened to get more than me!
Owner to deerhound: Are you afraid you´re not getting enough to eat?
You´re not exactly skinny you know!
Deerhound to owner: Are you calling me fat?
Owner to deerhound: No, just saying you don´t have to worry about the food!
Deerhound to owner: Oh..I´m not...just making sure you..Are you SURE you´re not calling me fat?
Owner to deerhound: Stop being a drama queen and go eat your dinner!
Deerhound to owner: Let me check out these bowls first!
Owner to deerhound: !
mandag 14. oktober 2013
The daily dialog
to owner: What do you mean «there`s no room for me on the couch”?
Owner to deerhound: Don`t you see that I am laying on it?
Deerhound to owner: Of course I do, I`m not blind you know, I just don`t see the connection, so just move over a bit
Owner to deerhound: I`m telling you there`s no room for you!
……No! Njet! Nein! Nei! Get off!.....
Deerhound to owner: See, I knew there would be room for both of us
Owner to deerhound: I can`t breath…..ouff
Deerhound to owner: Shhh…the movie is starting
Owner to deerhound: Don`t you see that I am laying on it?
Deerhound to owner: Of course I do, I`m not blind you know, I just don`t see the connection, so just move over a bit
Owner to deerhound: I`m telling you there`s no room for you!
……No! Njet! Nein! Nei! Get off!.....
Deerhound to owner: See, I knew there would be room for both of us
Owner to deerhound: I can`t breath…..ouff
Deerhound to owner: Shhh…the movie is starting
onsdag 9. oktober 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: I don't get it!
Owner to deerhound: Get what?
Deerhound to owner: There are so many sweet adorable puppy dogs out there...
Owner to deerhound: Yes...?
Deerhound to owner: Like deerie puppies and others..
Owner to deerhound: What's your point?
Deerhound to owner: What on earth makes people buy chihuahuas?
Owner to deerhound: !
Deerhound to owner: I mean..they're like..barking rats..
Owner to deerhound: !!!!
Deerhound to owner: Not that there is anything wrong with rats...just don´t want them to bark
Deerhound to owner: Not that there is anything wrong with rats...just don´t want them to bark
lørdag 5. oktober 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Your breath stinks
Deerhound to owner: No kidding! Your breath wouldn´t smell any better if you had to eat DOG food!
Owner to deerhound: Stop blaming the food and let me brush your teeth.
Deerhound to owner: I´m a dog! Dogs don´t brush!
Owner to deerhound: Happy you said so´re a DOG...dogs eat dog food!
Deerhound to owner: Feed me pancakes, woman!
Owner to deerhound: !
Deerhound to owner: Right, right...I think you forgot to brush on the left side *opens mouth*
Deerhound to owner: No kidding! Your breath wouldn´t smell any better if you had to eat DOG food!
Owner to deerhound: Stop blaming the food and let me brush your teeth.
Deerhound to owner: I´m a dog! Dogs don´t brush!
Owner to deerhound: Happy you said so´re a DOG...dogs eat dog food!
Deerhound to owner: Feed me pancakes, woman!
Owner to deerhound: !
Deerhound to owner: Right, right...I think you forgot to brush on the left side *opens mouth*
søndag 29. september 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: No, I want to follow these tracks! They smell like a big bad wolf, and I want to know what he´s doing on my turf!
Owner to deerhound: That is your tracks, silly!
Deerhound to owner: What? Are you sure? I´m not so sure about that.
What if there is a big, ugly, scary wolf trying to sneak in here? I don´t like this one bit!
Owner to deerhound: I´m telling you, these are your own tracks! There is no wolves around for miles. Now, please come inside. It`s late, and I want to go to bed.
Deerhound to owner: I will investigate this tomorrow then...Are you sure these tracks doesn´t belong to a wolf? A werewolf maybe?
Owner to deerhound: Yes, Ludvig...I am absolutely 100% sure. Now get in!
Deerhound to owner: Right, right...but it´s best to be aware you know.
Owner to deerhound: That is your tracks, silly!
Deerhound to owner: What? Are you sure? I´m not so sure about that.
What if there is a big, ugly, scary wolf trying to sneak in here? I don´t like this one bit!
Owner to deerhound: I´m telling you, these are your own tracks! There is no wolves around for miles. Now, please come inside. It`s late, and I want to go to bed.
Deerhound to owner: I will investigate this tomorrow then...Are you sure these tracks doesn´t belong to a wolf? A werewolf maybe?
Owner to deerhound: Yes, Ludvig...I am absolutely 100% sure. Now get in!
Deerhound to owner: Right, right...but it´s best to be aware you know.
onsdag 25. september 2013
The daily dialog
to owner: Hey, there is someone at the door!
Owner to deerhound: Shhhh! It`s in the middle of the night. There is nobody there, go back to bed.
Deerhound to owner: I tell you, there IS someone at the door!......I`m scared…
Owner to deerhound: Alright, alright, I`ll check…
Deerhound to owner: Be careful…maybe it`s a monster…I hate monsters!
Owner to deerhound: See…nobody here…*opens the door*
Deerhound to owner: Hmmm...right!.....Can I sleep with you guys?
Owner to deerhound: Ok, but just for tonight…and no kicking me out of bed!
Deerhound to owner: Don`t you dare telling anybody about this!
Owner to deerhound: Sure! And you will do anything I say from now on?
Deerhound to owner: That is unfair!
Owner to deerhound: *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: Shhhh! It`s in the middle of the night. There is nobody there, go back to bed.
Deerhound to owner: I tell you, there IS someone at the door!......I`m scared…
Owner to deerhound: Alright, alright, I`ll check…
Deerhound to owner: Be careful…maybe it`s a monster…I hate monsters!
Owner to deerhound: See…nobody here…*opens the door*
Deerhound to owner: Hmmm...right!.....Can I sleep with you guys?
Owner to deerhound: Ok, but just for tonight…and no kicking me out of bed!
Deerhound to owner: Don`t you dare telling anybody about this!
Owner to deerhound: Sure! And you will do anything I say from now on?
Deerhound to owner: That is unfair!
Owner to deerhound: *big grin*
mandag 23. september 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: Why don´t you get a new kitty cat?
Owner to deerhound: Nooo....why do you ask? Do you think I should?
Deerhound to owner: Yes! I can hear you cry almost night...I know it´s because she´s gone, cause you didn´t cry when she was still around
Owner to deerhound: There can never be a new Ms.Sourpuss!
Deerhound to owner: I know! But you really should consider it...having a new kitty cat! it hink it would be good for you!
Owner to deerhound: You are starting to freak me out here! How come you know about these tings?
Deerhound to owner: I read say everything with your body
Owner to deerhound: You never stop amazing me!
Deerhound to owner: That is one of the things we deeries do best!
Amaze people!
Owner to deerhound:!
Owner to deerhound: Nooo....why do you ask? Do you think I should?
Deerhound to owner: Yes! I can hear you cry almost night...I know it´s because she´s gone, cause you didn´t cry when she was still around
Owner to deerhound: There can never be a new Ms.Sourpuss!
Deerhound to owner: I know! But you really should consider it...having a new kitty cat! it hink it would be good for you!
Owner to deerhound: You are starting to freak me out here! How come you know about these tings?
Deerhound to owner: I read say everything with your body
Owner to deerhound: You never stop amazing me!
Deerhound to owner: That is one of the things we deeries do best!
Amaze people!
Owner to deerhound:!
søndag 22. september 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: It attacked me!
Owner to deerhound: The skin of a dead sheep attacked you?
Deerhound to owner: Yes, it had stalked me for weeks
Owner to deerhound: It stalked you? The sheepskin stalked you? It´s dead, silly!
Deerhound to owner: Well yes, now it is!
Owner to deerhound: !
onsdag 18. september 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Could you please stop your nightly serenades? I have to sleep
Deerhound to owner: Sure! Just let me have a few minutes with my girl *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: No!
Deerhound to owner: Then my singing can`t be that bad
Owner to deerhound: But it is!
Deerhound to owner: Surely not bad enough!
Owner to deerhound: !
Deerhound to owner: Sure! Just let me have a few minutes with my girl *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: No!
Deerhound to owner: Then my singing can`t be that bad
Owner to deerhound: But it is!
Deerhound to owner: Surely not bad enough!
Owner to deerhound: !
mandag 16. september 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: *sigh*
Owner to deerhound: What?
Deerhound to owner: *SIGH*
Owner to deerhound: Oh, come on! Don`t look at me that way
Deerhound to owner: It´s your fault, you know
Owner to deerhound: What?
Deerhound to owner: It´s your fault I´m suffering
Owner to deerhound: Alright, it´s my fault. Happy now?
Deerhound to owner: Happy? I can never be happy again
Owner to deerhound: Sure you a couple of weeks you will not remember this
Deerhound to owner: You have clearly never been in love!
Owner to deerhound: !
Owner to deerhound: What?
Deerhound to owner: *SIGH*
Owner to deerhound: Oh, come on! Don`t look at me that way
Deerhound to owner: It´s your fault, you know
Owner to deerhound: What?
Deerhound to owner: It´s your fault I´m suffering
Owner to deerhound: Alright, it´s my fault. Happy now?
Deerhound to owner: Happy? I can never be happy again
Owner to deerhound: Sure you a couple of weeks you will not remember this
Deerhound to owner: You have clearly never been in love!
Owner to deerhound: !
søndag 15. september 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: No, thank you...I`m not hungry
Owner to deerhound: But you have to eat something
Deerhound to owner: No...
Owner to deerhound: Please, eat! Just a little? Ì`m getting worried here
Deerhound to owner: No...*sigh*..leave me alone
Owner to deerhound: I`ll call the vet...
Deerhound to owner: Oh, relax you have an apetite when you are in love?
Owner to deerhound: actually have a point here...
Deerhound to owner: Good! Now take the food away and leave I can the dark...*long sigh*
Owner to deerhound: It will get better you know!
Deerhound to owner: *sigh*

Owner to deerhound: But you have to eat something
Deerhound to owner: No...
Owner to deerhound: Please, eat! Just a little? Ì`m getting worried here
Deerhound to owner: No...*sigh*..leave me alone
Owner to deerhound: I`ll call the vet...
Deerhound to owner: Oh, relax you have an apetite when you are in love?
Owner to deerhound: actually have a point here...
Deerhound to owner: Good! Now take the food away and leave I can the dark...*long sigh*
Owner to deerhound: It will get better you know!
Deerhound to owner: *sigh*

fredag 13. september 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Quit whining!
Deerhound to owner: But I have to! You won´t let me near her...*sad eyes*
Owner to deerhound: It´s for your own good! For both of you!
Deerhound to owner: But I just want to smell her...just a little bit..pleeeeaseee?
Owner to deerhound: No, I´m sorry sweetie. We don´t want any "deerzoi´s" in the family.
Deerhound to owner: What do you mean "we don´t want"? It would be fine by me!
Owner to deerhound: No, no, no, no!
Deerhound to owner: You are so cruel!
Deerhound to owner: But I have to! You won´t let me near her...*sad eyes*
Owner to deerhound: It´s for your own good! For both of you!
Deerhound to owner: But I just want to smell her...just a little bit..pleeeeaseee?
Owner to deerhound: No, I´m sorry sweetie. We don´t want any "deerzoi´s" in the family.
Deerhound to owner: What do you mean "we don´t want"? It would be fine by me!
Owner to deerhound: No, no, no, no!
Deerhound to owner: You are so cruel!
mandag 9. september 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Stop staring at my dinner!
Deerhound to owner: But you have cheese! I can smell it...
Owner to deerhound: Yes, you´re not the only one who loves cheese you know!
Deerhound to owner: I didn´t get any on my dinner! Why?
Owner to deerhound: Because you got some at breakfast instead!
Deerhound to owner: But I wanted it for dinner...not breakfast
Owner to deerhound: I didn´t hear any complaints this morning, so stop it!
Deerhound to owner: Because I thought I would get some for dinner too! *big sad eyes*
Owner to deerhound: Help yourself to some of mine *sigh*
Deerhound to owner: But you have cheese! I can smell it...
Owner to deerhound: Yes, you´re not the only one who loves cheese you know!
Deerhound to owner: I didn´t get any on my dinner! Why?
Owner to deerhound: Because you got some at breakfast instead!
Deerhound to owner: But I wanted it for dinner...not breakfast
Owner to deerhound: I didn´t hear any complaints this morning, so stop it!
Deerhound to owner: Because I thought I would get some for dinner too! *big sad eyes*
Owner to deerhound: Help yourself to some of mine *sigh*
søndag 8. september 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Hey, what´s with the grumpy face?
Deerhound to owner: I saw you!
Owner to deerhound: ???
Deerhound to owner: I saw you put cheese in her breakfast! How com I didn´t get any?
Owner to deerhound: Oh you silly dog, if you took your time and enjoyed your meals, you might discover the cheese I put in!
Deerhound to owner: What? You had cheese in my breakfast and didn´t tell me? Aaargh...
Owner to deerhound: Why make som much fuzz? You got your cheese, now be happy!
Deerhound to owner: But I didn´t get to taste it...because you didn´t tell me about it. So, I think you have to give me ekstra cheese right now
Owner to deerhound: !!
Deerhound to owner: I saw you!
Owner to deerhound: ???
Deerhound to owner: I saw you put cheese in her breakfast! How com I didn´t get any?
Owner to deerhound: Oh you silly dog, if you took your time and enjoyed your meals, you might discover the cheese I put in!
Deerhound to owner: What? You had cheese in my breakfast and didn´t tell me? Aaargh...
Owner to deerhound: Why make som much fuzz? You got your cheese, now be happy!
Deerhound to owner: But I didn´t get to taste it...because you didn´t tell me about it. So, I think you have to give me ekstra cheese right now
Owner to deerhound: !!
mandag 2. september 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: You really thought Serengeti was going to beat me, didn`t you?
Owner to deerhound: Yes, I did. I thought she would be a lot faster than you
Deerhound to owner: I really surprised you, right?
Owner to deerhound: Yes you did
Deerhound to owner: Yep, that`s what we deeries do...we take you by surprise! *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: Yes, I did. I thought she would be a lot faster than you
Deerhound to owner: I really surprised you, right?
Owner to deerhound: Yes you did
Deerhound to owner: Yep, that`s what we deeries do...we take you by surprise! *big grin*
søndag 1. september 2013
Lure Coursing
Sunday was a wonderful day, we went Lure Coursing.

We`re ready...

Ì`m going to get that rabbit...

Going in for the kill...

Serengeti looking great..

We`re ready...

Ì`m going to get that rabbit...

Going in for the kill...

Serengeti looking great..
lørdag 31. august 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: Why is it you can eat all the cheese and pancakes you want, and I am stuck with the dry untasty stuff?
Owner to deerhound: Because the dry untasty stuff happens to be the very best for you! And I won't take any risks of you getting belly aches
Deerhound to owner: Well, I feel the need to take a few risks now and then....what do you say? Let's live a little and enjoy a good meal with a lot of cheese and pancakes...Hmmmm? *sweet smile*
Owner to deerhound: Oh no... You know I can't resist that sweet smile...
Deerhound to owner: I'll have my pancakes well done! *big grin*
Owner to deerhound: Because the dry untasty stuff happens to be the very best for you! And I won't take any risks of you getting belly aches
Deerhound to owner: Well, I feel the need to take a few risks now and then....what do you say? Let's live a little and enjoy a good meal with a lot of cheese and pancakes...Hmmmm? *sweet smile*
Owner to deerhound: Oh no... You know I can't resist that sweet smile...
Deerhound to owner: I'll have my pancakes well done! *big grin*
torsdag 29. august 2013
The daily dialog
to owner: No, I don`t want to go!
Owner to deerhound: Why?
Deerhound to owner: The others will laugh at me….Serengeti is already cracking up!
Owner to deerhound: No, that is just your imagination, she`s not laughing
Deerhound to owner: Well, it`s actually not accepted by the guys to smell like a blueberry muffin, when you are a big strong macho deerhound!
Owner to deerhound: When did you become macho, sweetie?
Deerhound to owner: Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Owner to deerhound: I get it! No more blueberry muffin shampoo for you
Owner to deerhound: Why?
Deerhound to owner: The others will laugh at me….Serengeti is already cracking up!
Owner to deerhound: No, that is just your imagination, she`s not laughing
Deerhound to owner: Well, it`s actually not accepted by the guys to smell like a blueberry muffin, when you are a big strong macho deerhound!
Owner to deerhound: When did you become macho, sweetie?
Deerhound to owner: Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Owner to deerhound: I get it! No more blueberry muffin shampoo for you
tirsdag 27. august 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: You really miss her so much? Why don´t you get a new one?
Owner to deerhound? Huh?
Deerhound to owner: I can see that you are sad, and I thought you might miss that little furry ball of teeth and claws....the kitty cat.
Owner to deerhound: Yeah...I really miss her...
Deerhound to owner: So, why don´t you get a new one?
Owner to deerhound: I have thought about that...but it wouldn´t be her anyway, so I don´t know...
Deerhound to owner: You really need to get over her, you know
I won´t be here forever to comfort you!
Owner to deerhound: Oh, shut up! Of course you are! I wouldn´t bare to loose you don´t you dare....
Deerhound to owner: Just keep those chunks of cheese and delicious pancakes coming, and I´ll be by your side forever!
Now, seriously...about that new kitty cat....
Owner to deerhound: Right, right...I´ll think about it
Owner to deerhound? Huh?
Deerhound to owner: I can see that you are sad, and I thought you might miss that little furry ball of teeth and claws....the kitty cat.
Owner to deerhound: Yeah...I really miss her...
Deerhound to owner: So, why don´t you get a new one?
Owner to deerhound: I have thought about that...but it wouldn´t be her anyway, so I don´t know...
Deerhound to owner: You really need to get over her, you know
I won´t be here forever to comfort you!
Owner to deerhound: Oh, shut up! Of course you are! I wouldn´t bare to loose you don´t you dare....
Deerhound to owner: Just keep those chunks of cheese and delicious pancakes coming, and I´ll be by your side forever!
Now, seriously...about that new kitty cat....
Owner to deerhound: Right, right...I´ll think about it
mandag 26. august 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: How come you never seem to hear the words "go for a walk", but manage to hear me cutting a slice of cheese, even when you are sleeping on the second floor?
Deerhound to owner: Wouldn´t you like to know... *big grin*
but that´s a deerie secret
Owner to deerhound: You´re not going to tell me, are you?
Deerhound to owner: Nope!
Owner to deerhound: Oh, that´s to bad...I have to eat all this cheese by myself
Deerhound to owner: Evil woman! Evil, I say...
Deerhound to owner: Wouldn´t you like to know... *big grin*
but that´s a deerie secret
Owner to deerhound: You´re not going to tell me, are you?
Deerhound to owner: Nope!
Owner to deerhound: Oh, that´s to bad...I have to eat all this cheese by myself
Deerhound to owner: Evil woman! Evil, I say...
søndag 25. august 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Why don´t you get in the water with the others?
Deerhound to owner: What? Are you insane woman? I´ll get WET! What a stupid question!
Owner to deerhound: It´s so hot outside, you will cool off, and feel a lot better.
Deerhound to owner: Would you get into a snakepit?
Owner to deerhound: No! No way! Why do you ask?
Deerhound to owner: Well, you will not get into a snakepit, and I do not go into the water. You know...there are monsters in there!
Owner to deerhound: There are no monsters in the lake, I promise!
Deerhound to owner: Obviously you haven´t seen Jaws!
Owner to deerhound: Neither have you!
Deerhound to owner: Dum...dum...dumdumdumdum....(Jaws theme)
Deerhound to owner: What? Are you insane woman? I´ll get WET! What a stupid question!
Owner to deerhound: It´s so hot outside, you will cool off, and feel a lot better.
Deerhound to owner: Would you get into a snakepit?
Owner to deerhound: No! No way! Why do you ask?
Deerhound to owner: Well, you will not get into a snakepit, and I do not go into the water. You know...there are monsters in there!
Owner to deerhound: There are no monsters in the lake, I promise!
Deerhound to owner: Obviously you haven´t seen Jaws!
Owner to deerhound: Neither have you!
Deerhound to owner: Dum...dum...dumdumdumdum....(Jaws theme)
fredag 23. august 2013
The daily dialog
Owner to deerhound: Ok, where is my slipper? I can find only one of them.
Deerhound to owner: Nope, haven't seen it. No slipper here! Nope, no slipper at all!
Owner to deerhound: What is that thing under your bed? *pointing at something sticking out from under the bed*
Deerhound to owner: Nothing! Absolutely not your slipper! Hey, look over there... It's a cat....
Owner to deerhound: Give it to me!
Deerhound to owner: What?
Owner to deerhound: The slipper!
Deerhound to owner: What slipper?
Owner to deerhound: The slipper you have hidden under your bed! Now, give it here!
Deerhound to owner: Oh my goodness! There is a slipper under my bed!
Owner to deerhound: Nice try!
torsdag 22. august 2013
The daily dialog
Deerhound to owner: I´m hungry!
Owner to deerhound: You have just had your breakfast
Deerhound to owner: Well, let´s have some more breakfast then!
Owner to deerhound: No, you have to wait for dinner later tonight, you know that!
Deerhound to owner: No, I don´t know could I? I´m a deerie. Deeries doesn´t know these things! We know that we want a second breakfast and it´s got to be pancakes!
Owner to deerhound: I know a deerie that will be on his bed in 3...2... Good boy!
Deerhound to owner: #!
Owner to deerhound: You have just had your breakfast
Deerhound to owner: Well, let´s have some more breakfast then!
Owner to deerhound: No, you have to wait for dinner later tonight, you know that!
Deerhound to owner: No, I don´t know could I? I´m a deerie. Deeries doesn´t know these things! We know that we want a second breakfast and it´s got to be pancakes!
Owner to deerhound: I know a deerie that will be on his bed in 3...2... Good boy!
Deerhound to owner: #!
mandag 19. august 2013
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